On Writing: Progress.

6823 words written in January I thought was a strong start to the year. I am happy with this. In February and March, I had trouble keeping up the momentum falling to 4719 and 4577 words. April 8069 words.

The Ballad of Black Tom on Kobo

My goal is 250 words a day. Some days I reach close to 500, others 1000. The goal of 250 words a day is not that unreachable and I can make it within the thirty or so minutes I have to write. It’s fairly funny to see that in February I fell to 3190 since I had even set aside a weekend to give all my attention to writing and revising but instead spent it relaxing and reading The Ballad of Black Tom. My wife and I did manage to play a couple of games, several short of what I had wanted to do but, our baby was with us so life- well, didn’t belong to us alone.

In either case, both February and March were months filled with a lot of extra events that took time and energy. Goals for the year didn’t receive 100% of my attention. Add to the mix beyond family and work, I am truly thankful that I had any chance to do any writing and get everything else in.

A great win in early March is that I finished my first solid draft of my first novella. This is a big step for me who has written nothing beyond eBay, Facebook posts or Tweets.

What am I talking about here? In 2014 I decided to start trying to write. In college I majored in English Lit., so writing is not beyond me- for those that really know me. I wrote a lot in college and highschool. I enjoy writing and always have. Something happened where I realized the work it would take to get as good as I wanted to be just wasn’t in me- but this is another topic for another occasion.

When I picked up the quill again I wrote different things- I started this blog, review- well, ‘blog’ thing. Being able to occasionally play some D&D, I wrote some short adventures-never finished them though. I further wrote short bits, bits that I find out now are scenes. I was calling then ‘vignettes,’ but there were scenes. The difference to me is that a scene is part of a larger body of work. A vignette is something unto itself. My scenes comprised things like a pair of adventurers running down an old hallway pursued by a pack of goblins. A lonely man contemplating his life. An alien being found here on earth and peoples reactions to it. You get the idea and yes, there was a strong Sci-fy bent to everything. I also found myself taking notes on a fantasy world. I had no sense of what I would do with these notes, but I started making them. I justified them that when I started to write something significant- these became the foundation of that larger work.

The foundation became big, and I needed a place for this foundation to be part of, so a map was in order. And it snowballed. Pictures and maps and notes. Index cards are my friends and preferred mode of note taking so I keep index cards around me and these I use for my little sketches of places and things in my fantasy world I creating. So my little idea was getting bigger. My writing progress is forward but feelings more like a welcome release of all the multitude of ideas I’ve been working on for the last several years. This 250 words a day has led me to developing a habit of 250 words a day and a finished novella. That’s pretty good, in my estimation.

The Ballad of Black Tom on Kobo

2018 May Progress: Walking

Fitbit April 2018

One of my goals was to walk more- or just plain move.  I closed the year out in 2017 with walking an average of 7,386 per day.  The result dumbfounded and disappointed me a little.  The Fitbit app has a way of showing your average for a year to-date.  It’s not a lot, but it is an improvement!
How does the app help- I’ve set an alarm which goes off 10 minutes before every hour if I haven’t managed to get the 250 steps I’ve set as my goal.  Again, not a huge goal, but it is better than nothing.  Sometimes all it takes is for me to walk to the back of the shop where the restroom is and back to my chair for me to make up the difference.  Other times I may have to be a little more creative with my walking path, but that doesn’t happen too often.  One of the many nice things about where I work, it is a big place so getting to the 250 step goal is not that difficult.
What I would like to see more of is me walking longer and farther on the weekends- hard to do on the weekends!

New Year Resolutions

Well, we finally got into that bottle we have had stashed in the fridge for the past three years.

The month of January is almost over. At its outset, I made a decision to tend to my blog a little more. There are several reasons: practice writing more, share thoughts and ideas, get new ideas, and possibly to be able to monetize on it- my website and blog. The monetizing was originally the reason I got a website to begin with- the idea of a small online store. The idea is still there and the other things have taken precedence but maybe this year I can get it so it at least pays for itself.

I’ve titled this New Year resolutions. So, I hope to briefly discuss mine, current and past.

Every year people make promises to themselves to change something in their life. Sometimes it’s not just themselves but they include others – family work or friends. As I understand this, the idea of getting others involved is to give some accountability. Communal involvement if you will in the individuals’ decisions.

I don’t like this, but here I am under the pretext of doing that and even at a larger group than just family and friends. People do it and never follow through: I’m going to lose weight. I’m going to learn to do a new task. I’m going improve myself in some way.

I don’t like that at the start of the year millions of people decide that they are going to start something or end something. I realized this sometime ago, and I decided then that I wouldn’t make these decisions just at the beginning of the year but throughout the year. More importantly I decided that once I made those decisions, I would set a time limit to them and then look back and see if it became a habit.

The reason I’m doing this discussing my resolutions and new habits, is not for accountability but to share an experience that others I’m sure feel too. So, others will hopefully share their thoughts on resolutions- for the New Years and those other times.  If not here somewhere amongst others.

What I like about New Year resolutions is the desire to change; to grow and consider other possibilities is always a good thing. In the past I’ve had resolutions about weight, exercise, work/business and a few personal items like this blog for instance. Some of them have been very successful; some, not so much. In either case it doesn’t negate the desire to work on that resolution.

This next year I hope to write more. Exercise more. Read more. Learn and perfect some new skills at work. Work on some digital art programs . Play more games (that one is going to be a hard one.) Make more time with family and friends.

Writing. Last year I wrote over 20,000 words in one novella. I wrote a 6,000-word short story, completed it and edited it. I didn’t keep track of all my writing until the later half of the year, but I estimate with everything, I wrote close to 60,000 words. Not a real high bar to work against, but it’s a starting point. This year, 2018 I’m shooting for 225,000.   I’m taking into account that I will be measuring everything I write so, it should be easier to reach.

Exercising. I have been on a Fitbit for some time and that is the primary way I measure my exercise. This is one of the key factors that falls off when other things come up- fix dinner- give up the walk I had planned. Need to write? I guess I’ll sit here and do that instead of walking. Average steps for 2017 were 7,386 per day. I’m shooting for 10,000 but a more realistic goal of 8,000 steps a day should be reachable.

Reading. Last year my goal was 35 books. I thought this was totally doable since the year before I read 33 books. I only managed to read 20 books in 2017. Family and life didn’t allow for it, so this year 2018 I plan on reading 25 books.

Work. This is a little harder to describe and work on. What I do know is that I want and need to practice setting different shaped stones in the different type of settings and I need to work on my finishing techniques. I would also like to work on some salesmanship and adding to my descriptive vocabulary to help me describe different items better and in more of a unique way. Ultimately, because I work for someone else what I need to work on is up to my employer so my desires in this are dictated by them.

Digital Art. I have Manga Studio and ProFantasy Mapping software. I dabble in both and by the end of 2018 I would like to be able to utilize both with some skill.   So, I create a measurable goal, I would like to be able to open each program and create in Manga Studio a quick semi nice looking sketch and in ProFantasy, to be able to open the software and make a map for my various needs within a week.

Games. In 2017 I played 40 different games. The combined number of plays of these games was a total of 91 different plays. I did manage to get 5 games played 5 or more times. I played with 14 different people. I record ALL my plays in Board Game Stats- a great app that sinks with BGG.com. For 2018 I don’t think my achievements will be much higher but I am going to 2 Cons this year. I’m shooting for 125 different plays of 45 different games. I also would like to get the chance to play with more people, so I’m going to set a goal of playing with 20 different people. I’ve been working on 2 games of my own so hopefully 2018 will see me make progress on these.

Make more Time with family and friends. This is another hard aspect of my life to change and measure. So far, I have set up to attend 2 different Cons. Cons are a great place for me to meet people with like interests. Working full time and having three little ones in the house does take a lot of my and my wife’s time and so does some of the hobbies (see above) indulge in.

Goals of 2018

Write 225,000 publishable words.

Walk an average of 8,000 steps a day.

Read 25 different books.

Work on perfecting different setting techniques and finishing.

Use and master Manga Studio and ProFantasy Software to a level where I can start and finish a project within a week.

Play 45 different games a total of 125 different times and play with 20 different people.

Figure out how to get or make more time to be with family and friends.

These aren’t all of my goals or achievements I wish to try to accomplish this year, but the ones I hope to concentrate on. Please click here or comment below with your suggestions or on your own goals.