2018 May Progress: Walking

Fitbit April 2018

One of my goals was to walk more- or just plain move.  I closed the year out in 2017 with walking an average of 7,386 per day.  The result dumbfounded and disappointed me a little.  The Fitbit app has a way of showing your average for a year to-date.  It’s not a lot, but it is an improvement!
How does the app help- I’ve set an alarm which goes off 10 minutes before every hour if I haven’t managed to get the 250 steps I’ve set as my goal.  Again, not a huge goal, but it is better than nothing.  Sometimes all it takes is for me to walk to the back of the shop where the restroom is and back to my chair for me to make up the difference.  Other times I may have to be a little more creative with my walking path, but that doesn’t happen too often.  One of the many nice things about where I work, it is a big place so getting to the 250 step goal is not that difficult.
What I would like to see more of is me walking longer and farther on the weekends- hard to do on the weekends!

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